“Where is the knowledge we have lost in information?”*

“Read dozens of books about heroes and crooks
And I learned much from both of their styles.” Son of a Son of a Sailor, Jimmy Buffett

Information is a catch-all category and open to personal preference. My most used apps for information are iNaturalist (flora and fauna) and Merlin (birds). I really enjoy learning about the various plants and wildlife I encounter on the trail. Birds are always difficult to photograph; so, using their songs to identify them on Merlin is interesting. I also keep Google shortcuts for The Trek and for Outside+ on my hiking home screen, but rarely read these websites from the trail. There is no substitute for actual first aid or CPR training/certification. I have always wanted to complete the NOLS Wilderness First Aid course, but haven’t yet found the opportunity. The Red Cross’s First Aid app works offline and is a useful guide for almost all situations. There is also a GPS-based Hospital Locator within the app, but this requires either WIFI or mobile data.


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